Lucid ~ Flying Through Intricate Bridge System

Dream Date : 04-Dec-2010

Prologue : Kate is a fictional name, used to replace the real name of a girl I went to high school with.  I went out with Kates younger sister once, but recall only brief conversations with Kate in the waking world.   Page is a fictional name, used to replace the real name of the mother of my Child.

The Dream :

I was feeling really at home in the dream world this morning.  I was with a group of people and we were talking about playing some sort of game.  A physical game, like kick ball or dodge ball.  Page was there across the room from me.  I was sitting next to Kate, and I was flirting with her.  We were having a really nice conversation and getting along nicely.  Kate commented that Page was looking a little pissed off at us.  I was not sure why, since we have been apart for so long.

Some people were making playful sex jokes, which seemed to go along with my flirting with Kate.

I’m not sure how, but shortly after sitting next to Kate, I was unexpectedly flying outside.  I was venturing down river and I started flying under a bridge that was partially drawn.  After that I was flying through an intricate system of bridges.  Really high bridges too.

There were two female’s that were following/flying behind me, and one young male flying in front of me.  The guy in front of me was utterly ecstatic that he was able to fly.  Almost like he had never done it before.  He flew up to the highest bridge and looped over it.  I suspect he was laughing with joy.

I too felt that surge of power and energy.  I was hovering there as I watched him loop over that bridge, and I was thinking to myself how great this flying business was.   I then looked down below the bridges to see all of the people walking on the ground.  I thought to myself that it was so cool to be bestowed with this great power of being able to fly, and that only a few select people mastered the skill, including the 3 friends that were with me.

Then I thought to myself how cool it was that many of the times that I dream I was able to fly.  I was thinking how for so many years I had lost the power to fly in my dreams, and yet I had somehow re-aquired the skills.  And that’s when it hit me.  I was flying!   And therefore, I was “Dreaming”.  Of course I was dreaming.  Flying is always one of my greatest dream signs.

So I sat there hovering for a couple of seconds, and I gave some contemplation to what I was going to do now that I was Lucid.  I could do absolutely anything I wanted in this dream world, whether real or not.  It only took 2 seconds to make my choice.  I know from experience that the Lucid Dream does not last more than about 20 seconds for me and I had to act fast.

I made the decision to return to Kate to continue our friendly banter, only with Lucidity on my end.  Part of me wanted to see if she was real, or just a creation of my own mind.

I started to fly toward the ground, because I thought I’d recognize the way back easier by looking at things on the ground.  Then I thought to myself that this was going to take too long, and I knew there were faster ways to travel.  I focused on something that was about 100 yards in front of me and tried to bring myself closer, or to bring it closer to me.  It didn’t work.

I tried a couple more times, closing my eyes and envisioning that I had moved 100 yards ahead, then opened my eyes.   I think it may have worked to some extent.  I think I got to the point I was looking at, but honestly, I think it was a distraction.  I think that possibly what I should have done was to just simply envision myself back at the game/group room sitting next to Kate.  I believe I was going about things wrong.  These are hind-sight thoughts mind you.  In the dream I did not have the time, or take the time to realize whether my methods were right or wrong.  I was just acting.

No worries though.  I was still Lucid and in control.

So I started walking in the direction I wanted to go.  And suddently these two really large men blocked my path.  These men were like 7 and 8 feet tall, and quite overweight.  Like an oversized bouncer or wrestler.  They were apparently going to stop me from reaching Kate.

I was not afraid of them as I knew/believed they were not real, but somehow I was not able to get them out of my way.  I tried to just push out of my way, and that did not work.  They continued to block my path, and even get in my face.  With no fear, I picked them both up over my head and slammed them into the ground like a big time wrestler.

After slamming them down, I turned around and put them out of my head.  I realized that they were yet another distraction from what I was trying to do and so I gave them no more thought.  Apparently that at least worked.  They did not come at me again, and their precense just disappeared.

At this point, I decided it was time to get back to flying.  Though I think I gave up on returning to Kate at this point.

As I leapt toward the air, I landed squarly back on my feet.  I was not able to fly.  I tried a few different methods of getting back to flight, and all of them failed to work.  I could feel my Lucid power slipping from me.  I believed it was all in my head of course.  I believed I was not able to fly because I was blocking myself for some reason.

At this point, I remebered my last Lucid Dream, where I lost the Lucidity and just started having a normal dream again.  I concentrated on not letting that happen.  I concentrated and reminded myself that I was dreaming again.  This in itself gave me some level of power in the dream, but it was apparently not enough.

The dream slipped away from me at this point.  I do not recall what happened after this.  It’s like the dream just turned off.  Though I don’t believe I woke up.

Epilogue :

I am giving thought to some my intentions and strategies for when I next become Lucid.   Right now, I’m feeling like I should not put too much weight on accomplishing anything difficult upon achieving Lucidity.   Mostly, I should be having fun when I have these dreams, and not worrying too much about accomplishing or learning anything.

But there’s another part of me that wants to take the fullest advantage of the Lucid experience by learning how to shape and alter the environment to my will as much as possible.

Yoga instructor invited me to a spiritual place

getty museum LA
The Getty Museum in LA

I will likely never know what dream I had the night of January 6th, 2009.  But I do know that I woke up with a profound sense of purpose to get to an AA meeting and  to stop the madness of drinking that was killing me.  Nothing prior to it had worked.

However, here is a dream that I do remember.  A powerful dream that has changed my life in so many positive ways.

Prologue : I’m often at recurring places in my dreams.  While the characters and interactions differ from dream to dream, the place remains basically the same.  One such place that I have dreamt about on various occasions are the mountains just northeast of the Getty museum in Los Angeles California.  Specifically, in my dream place, there are hiking trails in those mountains and the mountains are somewhat taller than in reality.  In the past, I have hiked through these trails, and looked up to the tops of the mountains.  I have on multiple occasions tried to scale some cliffs or attempted to find a path to the very top of the mountains.  Ultimately I have always wandered around the tallest peaks and have never made it to the top of the mountain.  That is, until this dream.

The Dream : I was in California with some friends when I was pulled, or invited by someone to this place at the top of the mountain mentioned above.  Rather than hiking through trails or scaling cliffs to get there, I was simply brought there by some invitation and arrived from the east.  There were several builidings there, very similar to the beautiful buildings of the Getty museum.

This place was a spiritual place, and I realized that I would not have been there any other way except for the invitation that I had received.  I felt very honored and grateful to be in this place.

Soon there was a woman in one of the buildings I was in and she started teaching a form of meditative yoga.  Then there were several children that appeared that were apparently her students.  She was teaching these children seemingly impossible ways to limbo so low that these children could walk underneath a couch that was near me.

Suddenly I had a deep realization that this yoga was exactly what I needed in my life.  I had one thought that it would probably help me to achieve lucidity more often, though it didn’t dawn on me that I was actually dreaming at that very moment.

At the moment, I made a solid commitment to myself to practice yoga on a regular basis.

Epilogue : When I woke from the dream, I remembered the yoga commitment immediately.  And this commitment carried over into the waking world with absolute certainty.  Shortly after waking, I sent facebook messages to two of my friends that I knew practiced yoga.  One of those friends told me that she was just researching yoga classes for children the night before.  The second person called me on the phone to invite me to a yoga class that evening.  When I said to her “Oh, you must have received my facebook message?”, she said, “No, what message?”.  When I attended that yoga class, both of my friends were in the class.

While there was a long stretch where I did not practice yoga in 2010, I have since picked it up again in 2011.  I continue to have a strong sense that yoga will be a part of my life, for the rest of my life.  The two most recent classes I’ve attended have resulted in a euphoric feeling after driving away from the class.  I simply can’t imagine not making this a part of my daily life.

Lucid Dream ~ Simultaneous Dark & Light Realities ~ Sunken Titanic

Titanic on the Ocean FloorI was SCUBA diving, exploring the sunken wreckage of Titanic.  I was going between looking underwater and looking above water where there were little air pockets of breathable air.  At some point I became aware of the sound that the SCUBA gear was maing.  The breathing sound.  As I surfaced into an air pocket, I expecdted to be able to remove the SCUBA and breath naturally in the air pocket.  However, after doing so, the sound of the breathing through the SCUBA gear still existed.

I quickly realized that the sound wasn’t my own breathing.  It was coming from next to me.  Then I immediately realized that that it was my sleeping 3 year old son’s heavy breathing right next to me.  I could very clearly see all around me in the dream, yet I could also very clearly hear my sons heavy breathing in the real world. 

Perhaps to my disappointment, I didn’t have a plan of action if this (Lucid Dreaming) had ever happened.  For a brief few moments I couldn’t figure out what to do.  I just floated in the water and the air pocket and just concentrated on my son’s breathing.  It was such an awesome realization and I was becoming a little too excited and I began to worry that I might wake myself up.  So I focused on keeping my eyes shut just in case.

Finally, I embarked on a course of action.  I decided to try and alter my dream, which is something I probably was not prepared to do yet.  I began to levitate out of the water a bit and focused on flying out of the ship.  I think the problem is that I had no clear destination in mind, as I rose out of the water.  I became more aware of my son’s breathing and more aware of my physical body.  I believe I was moving between the dream world and the real world. 

As I was concentrating (meditating) in the dream, I became surrounded in this brilliant white light.  Simultaneously, as I forced my eyes shut, I became surrounded by darkness in the physical world.

I quickly become overwhelmed with two completely different realities.  One of complete light, and one of complete dark.  Each reality continued until I was completely enguled/overwhelmed by both.  At this piont, the dream just shut off.  I did not wake up, but I did not seem to continue the dream.  Everything just ended.

Eventually I started to dream again, but I was no longer Lucid.  I don’t remember a lot of the following dream, but it loosly involved a boat, and being at the beach.

Prologue : Much of the dual reality sensations and “shut off” in this dream seem to lend support to theories proposed by Robert Bruce in his book Astral Dynamics.  He talks about multiple levels of existence that may cause simultaneous memories over the same block of time.

Sleep Paralysis or Ghosts with OBE?

Sleep ParalysisThe Waking Dream : I was lying in my bed, taking a nap in the middle of the day. At some point I became conscious. The room was bathed in sunlight, and I was lying on my back looking up. Though I could also see down toward my feet as well, and I could see all around me on the bed too. It was such a strange sensation to be able to see things around the room, and yet I felt trapped in my body and unable to move.

There were these children sitting on the bed with me, and they were smiling and laughing and being playful. They were calling to me and encouraging me to follow them. I was extremely conflicted about the children. On the one hand, they were really compelling to me. Their playful nature and excitement was drawing me toward them, and yet I felt this heightened level of anxiety and fear about them too.

At some point I began to float up off the bed, though I don’t recall that my body ever became mobile. It was just this floating up sensation. And as the children were celebrating my exit (possible OBE?) and calling to me, my fear increased. It would be safe to say that I was now terrified. I really did not want to follow these children, yet the compulsion to follow them persisted.

At this point, my dad came up beside me and guided me in the other direction. I don’t recall if he said anything. But I recall that his basic message was that I didn’t want to be following those kids and that I should come with him instead. I was so relieved when he guided me away from the children.

Prologue : In my recent research, some twenty years after this happened, I’ve come to believe that this experience is very much in line with what is called sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis is often accompanied by hallucinations. And it makes a lot of sense to me. The brains access to motor functions are normally disconnected when you’re dreaming so that you don’t act out your dreams. So it’s entirely logical that you could feel trapped in your body and be in a half dream half awake state.

While I recognize the likelihood that this was nothing more than sleep paralysis, I find it odd that the only time this sort of thing has ever happened to me, was when I lived in a house that all three of my roommates at the time claimed was haunted. One of the tenants after us also claimed the house was haunted.

The Haunting’s : My girlfriend claimed to have seen a ghostly man wearing a hat in the garden of this house. She also claimed that some entity was likely responsible for dropping a planter on her head. My best friend claimed to have seen the same (or similar) man in the downstairs of this house near his bedroom. My best friends grandmother, who came to visit for a while, one day said she heard someone run across the dining room out onto the enclosed back patio, and when she went out after them there was nobody there. There were many incidents such as this. These are just some of the ones that I remember.  Keep in mind that we only lived in this place for six months when all of these weird things were happening.

About three months after we had moved out of the house, I arranged to pickup some of our old mail that had been delivered to the house. The guy was really friendly as he invited me into the office space to retrieve our mail he had been storing. But before he would hand me the mail, he cocked his head to the side in a really nervous and hesitant manner and said “so…. you used to live here… right?”.  After I said yes, he then was more hesitant, taking a breath, and said, “You ever notice anything,,,,,  odd?  going on?”.  And I smiled widely, because I knew where this conversation was heading. I think I even laughed out loud. I said “yes, absolutely there was some weird shit going on this place”.  I explained that there were some haunting experiences in the house when we lived there.

After my laughter and explanation, he relaxed and looked relieved. He was so thankful to know that it wasn’t just him. He explained that he had stayed the night in the separate little shack next to the house one night. In that shack, there was this really wide shelf that was just above the height of your head. It was big enough that someone could have slept on it if it was strong enough. He explained that while he was sleeping in the couch underneath that shelf, he heard what sounded like chains being dragged across the shelf that was just a few feet in front of his face. He said that he was paralyzed with terror and couldn’t bring himself to move and run away for several hours after the incident.

My Thoughts : I recognize the science here, and the classification of sleep paralysis. It makes perfect sense. But I also find it fascinating that it has only happened to me in this house that seemed to be haunted. I can recall no other instance in my life of sleep paralysis.

Astral Projection to Reno, Nevada car show, Hot August Nights

18-Nov-2013 update :  Most of this post below was written by me in the early to mid 1990’s when I was younger.  I’m leaving it mostly in tact to properly reflect how I felt at the time of the dream.  Spelling and grammar errors included. As of today, I can say that this experience has shaped a huge part of who I am spiritually today. Without this eye opening experience, I wonder if I would have been able to get through the 12 steps which are so God focused.

Prologue : Before describing the dream, it’s important to understand the relationship between me and my Father. Through the divorce of my parents, the claims of abuse and generally nasty stuff that goes with divorce, I’ve always loved my dad with all my heart. Strangely though, we haven’t always kept in close contact with each other. Perhaps I could blame him for this when I was growing up after the divorce, but I really have to accept half that blame in my adult life. As of the updating of this page (11/2013), we definitely keep in much better touch.

At the time this dream took place, I recall that I hadn’t spoke with my Father for almost a full year. Sounds pretty bizarre huh? A whole year? Yes it’s true.  I suppose I was pretty preoccupied by my life in LA at the time.

The Dream : Time : Took place on the weekend of my Birthday. The first weekend in August.

I found myself inside what appeared to be some sort of mega-mall. I didn’t recognize any specific store names, but there were clothing shops, knickknack shops, and restaurants. I was walking through this mall in a slow relaxed state of mind, and feeling quite content.

I hadn’t taken more than 5 steps when I saw something that caught my eye. It was a row of about five Vegas style slot machines. I remember thinking, only for a split second, that it was odd to see slot machines in a mall. Then, from out of the blue, the thought entered my mind that I was in Reno, Nevada. This dream was my first time ever being in Reno. I had been to Vegas probably 2 times in my life prior to this dream, but never to Reno. Prior to this dream, I had never even given consideration to what Reno was like. Why would I have considered going to Reno when Vegas was right around the corner from me? At the green young age of 21 years old, the only reason to go to Nevada would have been to gamble and party.

A few more steps through the mall, I realized that I wasn’t walking alone. To my right was my Dad. I remember being so happy to be with my Dad. It was as if we had always been together. There was no year long gap between communication. We were Father and Son, enjoying a day out together. He was smiling most of the time, and at times, puckering his lips like he was whistling something. I remember he used to always whistle this song while he was driving when I was growing up. Maybe that’s what he was whistling in the dream.

As we progressed, I noticed my step mom (Kandi) walking alongside him on the other side. I don’t remember much about her, except that she was there, and that I was happy to be there with the two of them.

After walking for a few more seconds, we happened along something that caught my Fathers eye. His whistling lips went away, and he said something to Kandi and I about what he saw. It was a classic car in the middle of the walkway in the mall. You know how sometimes they have car shows in malls, and cars are parked throughout the mall for you to look at and sometimes enter raffles for? I soon realized that the cars were the reason for us being there. We were at an antique and classic car show. I’ve never been good at makes or models of cars, because I had never been that interested. However, as I started to look around at the other cars in the mall, I did recognize an older model Mustang, as well as an older model Corvette. They were probably both models from the 1960’s.

My Dad seemed to be very interested in the cars. It was him after all who invited me to the show in the first place.

Once my eyes opened up to all that was taking place in the mall, things became blurry and started to fade away from view. My last memories are of all the cars lined up through the mall. Near the end of the dream, it was almost as if there was no roof on the mall, and I was floating in the air looking down on things. That’s how I remember seeing so many classic and antique cars all at once.

The Next Day…

The day after this dream, I sat in my bed reflecting on it. By this time, I had learned from reading articles on dreams, that the best way to remember your dreams is to stay in a half awake, half asleep state and simply think about it for a while. This helps bring the dream to the conscious memory out of the sub-conscious. This dream was a happy one, and I wanted to remember it for all it was worth.

One Month After… (Still no communication with my Dad)

I found myself talking to my Grandmother (My Dad’s Mom). She is another person who I haven’t always kept in good contact with. She actually started making a better effort to keep in touch shortly after this time.  As of this update (11/2013) she has passed away. We talked for about 10 minutes or so before we got on the topic of how my Dad was doing. Since I hadn’t talked to him in so long, I thought I’d ask how he was. She just spit out the most intriguing part of it all in once sentence. She said that he was doing fine of course. Then she mentioned that last month he and Kandi spent the weekend at an antique car show in Reno, Nevada.

I was so blown away by this. My mind was racing as I recalled the dream I had the month before. I asked her what was he doing at an antique car show? I didn’t really know he was into that kind of stuff. Previously I only knew him as the commercial fisherman who didn’t have time to play around with hobbies like that. She said that over the past few months, he had purchased two antique cars and was actively attending car shows across the west coast. The Reno car show was, and still is called “Hot August Nights“. My Dad, Kandi, and brother Sam have attended the show for many years since this dream. I of course made the effort to attend the very next year they went. I absolutely had to see it with my own eyes. It was quite a site to see me and my dad cruising the strip with my Nine Inch Nails CD playing on his external speakers. Quite fun for me too.

I told my Grandma, and Kandi about the dream. I actually don’t recall ever telling my Dad. I guess I was unsure how he would react. Maybe someday he’ll find his way to this site and read about the dream for himself. I’m not sure what Grandma and Kandi thought about it. All I know is that it was an extremely powerful dream to me, and has opened my mind up to a lot of different idea’s. It has revealed to me, the power of the human mind. A few more millennium of evolution, and who knows what powers the human brain will have. Providing we survive ourselves of course.