Story Time

Story Telling Time

I have long wanted to share stories about myself and about my dreams. I’ve been a fan of The Moth Radio Hour for years and have been fascinated by the stories of others. But I’ve also been very nervous about getting up in front of a bunch of people and telling a story. What if my story sucks? What if they don’t like my story?

Well, I’ve finally decided to do something about it. I’m facing those fears head on, and I’m going to be hosting a series of story telling events in my home. I’m not only going to invite my friends to come join me, but I’m also going to invite some complete strangers to join us as well. And you’re invited.

You need not have experience in story telling at all. I certainly have none at this point. One of the most important reasons for these gatherings is to get to know each other by exposing something about ourselves to each other. It’s okay to be nervous, and it’s okay to mess up while telling your story. This isn’t about being an entertainer, though I’m sure there will be some highly entertaining stories shared. This is about sharing and listening and being present to those around us.

Typically these will be non-alcohol drinking events. This doesn’t mean you have to be living a sober life by any means. It simply means that there will be no drinking of alcohol during this event. So don’t be expecting to take the edge off with a quick drink beforehand. I want you sober and raw and real while sharing your stories.

Each event will have a theme, or a guide for what kind of stories will be told at any given event. Please, won’t you join me?

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